Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Back Workout

DB Bent Row - 85X10X3
Lat Pulldown - 140X8X3
DB Shrugs - 85X10X3
Upright Cable Row - 120X12X3
DB Curl - 35X12X3

Mediocre workout at best. Can't wait til my leg is better so I can squat again.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Heavy Bench

Groin still no good. Not sure how long it will be before I can squat heavy again. Hopefully not too long, it's killing me. Elbow tendons felt better, but did get sore after a bit. I think it's just a fact that I will battle them for as long as I train heavy and often.

315X7 (touch and go rep PR with 315)
365X2 (touch and go rep PR WITH 365)
365X2 (t+g)
375X2 paused 2 board
375X1 paused 2 board

CGBP - 275X7, X6, X8

First time I have doubled 365. It was touch and go, but a PR nonetheless.
Still enjoying just training how I want without following any program. I will have to decide what i am going to do soon though once my groin is healed.
Probably train back and a lighter bench day later this week.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Bench/pulled groin/tendonitis/deload time I guess

Only had about 45 minutes to get this in and knowing I wouldn't be able to train almost all weekend I squeezed it in.
345X2 pause
365X1 pause
365X1 pause 2 board
365X1 pause 2 board

Not the greatest workout, didn't feel all that strong today. Probably just rushed.

I pulled my groin playing hockey Thursday and its pretty bad so will be taking some time off of lower body training until I think it's healed up. Also might take at least a few days from upper body as well - elbow tendonitis has flared up again. Turns out I do need reload weeks haha.