Monday, June 30, 2014

Cycle 6 Week 2 Bench Assist

I skipped squats last week because of my bum leg. I'm hoping I will be able to squat later this week. Probably will be without knee sleeves because of the scab. That is the first workout I missed in 77 workouts! It bugs me but I'm ok with it.  Also I am sick with a head cold today, but I trained anyway and sweated through it.

Seated BB OHP - 135X15, 155X10X3
CGBP - 265X6X3
Skullcrushers - 105X10, X9, X9.
Lateral DB Raise - 30X10X3
Front DB Raise - 30X8X2
Tricep pressdown- 140X25, X20.

Definitely ran out of gas near the end but I got throught it. I have been almost having to force feed myself the last two days because of this flu, I could literally go without eating most of the day it feels like.
Hopefully deadlift tomorrow, but I am away all day at a ball tournament with my son so it will depend on when I get back. If not, I will just push it to Wednesday which is a normally scheduled day off.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cycle 6 Week 1 Bench

After a warmup;
BB Bench 135X15, 225X10
Working sets - 275X3, 295X3, 310X3, 355X2, 370X1.

Was only supposed to work up to a 355 single, but it went so fast I doubled it successfully. Went ahead and went for a single with 370. It was paused and went well. That ties my paused bench PR. I could have pushed it and went for 375 or so but stopped on a positive note. 

Cable Cross 60X15X3.

Bench feels really strong especially since I have only benched once in the last 2 weeks and that was at the meet.
I fucked up my leg sliding in baseball last week and have a huge scab on my left leg. I don't think I'll be squatting tomorrow but maybe try some trap bar deads or something for some leg work.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cycle 6 Week 1 Deads

135X12, 225X8, 315X5
345X3, 390X3, 445X3

Upright Cable Row - 140X12X3
DB Shrug - 55X15X3

Changed up routine a little bit, following the 5/3/1 variation for powerlifting. Not that much different, but calls for heavy singles occasionally and interchanges the "5" and "3" weeks. Worked up to a 495 single today and I'm not gonna lie, it felt heavy considering I just pulled 546 in a meet a week ago.

Rest tomorrow, bench on Thursday.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cycle 6 Week 1 Bench Assist

After competing in the Power in the Parkland meet on June 14th, I took another week off to recuperate. Soooo ready to get back at it today and start a 6th cycle of the 5/3/1 program. Clearly the program works, my numbers since starting this blog speak for themselves. Anyway, I'm not going to change what works, so I continue to follow what the 5/3/1 program with some add-ons for my needs. I have 8 weeks until my next meet August 24th in Winnipeg. I will complete 2 more cycles of the 5/3/1 program before that with 2 deload weeks included. I dont expect to add a whole pile to my current total, but I do expect to add some. My goals are; 230kg squat, 173kg Bench and a 250kg Deadlift for a 653 total and hopefully a provincial bench record.

BBOHP - 155X10X3
CGBP - 245X7, X4, X4 paused.
Pin Press - 275X4, X4, X3.
Skullcruchers - 95X12, X8, X8
Cable pressdowns - 140X20.

I may add/change this day somewhat to achieve some bigger numbers on the bench over the next two cycles. Deadlifts tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Power in the Parkland meet June 14 2014 (Video)

Left at about 6am and made it to Dauphin at about 845.The wife and my Daughter came along as well which was cool. The wife has a new appreciation for the sport after seeing a full meet and everything that comes along with it. Weighed in at about 9:30am at exactly 100.0kg (220lbs). After figuring out my pin and safety setting for the bench and squat racks we went out for brunch. We got back to the meet around 12:00 and started warming up. There was about 30 lifters in total, so there was three flights of lifters starting with the lighter females and ending with the heavier males.
I squatted at about 1:00pm, opening with 197.5kg (435lbs). It went pretty easy, which was what I wanted for my opener. My next attempt was 215kg (473lbs) and again it went pretty easy. I had two planned options for my third lift, depending on how I was feeling. I went for the heavier attempt with 227.5kg (502lbs). As far as I can tell, that was an unofficial MPA provincial record in the 105 unequipped division.
Bench was next at about 230ish pm. I opened with 155kg (341lbs). Easy lift, no problem. Second attempt was 165kg (363lbs). Again went pretty easy and felt good. I decided to take a shot at the provincial record on my third attempt at 173kg (381lbs). I just missed it, got about halfway up and the bar went sideways on me.
Deadlifts were next, I opened with 210kg (462lbs). Easy lift. Second attempt was 242.5kg (533lbs). It was a bit of a struggle but locked it out. Third attempt was 247.5kg (546lbs). It was a grind, but locked it out and got three whites.
Overall I went 8/9 with a 640kg total and a 389 wilks. I got Gold for the 105 kg Mens open unequipped division. There was three other lifters in my division. I also got the best lifter award for the Mens open division with my 389 wilks which was a surprise. Had a great time in my first full three-lift meet, I am absolutely addicted to this sport, especially the competing. Powerlifters are a scary looking bunch, but they are the most friendly athletes you will meet. Just a really positive atmosphere and the meet was very well run and organized. Looking forward to the next one in late August in Winnipeg, I plan on competing in it if everything works out.
Going to take the next couple of days off, then get back into the gym later this week just to get back into the groove. I am going to reset my training maxes and start the 5/3/1 program again next Monday, the 23rd. Two more cycles of the program will take me right into a deload week the week before that meet.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Cycle 5 Week 3 Squats - Cycle complete

Last heavy training session of this cycle and until the Dauphin meet.

Wanted to figure out my opener for so worked up to it;

Squats - 135X12, 225X8, 315X5, 405X1, 435X1.

435 will be my opener. It felt strong and smooth and fairly easy. I wanted all my opening weights to be easily attainable on any day. It's just a fact that there are days you feel as strong as an ox and days where everything just feels heavy, so I planned my attempts so that I'm feeling some heavy weight but am confident that it will go easy and smooth. At least that way I can get the first attempts out of the way and gain some confidence as well.

BBB - 325X5X5. 325 is a pretty easy weight for 5 reps but didn't want to tax my body too much. Time to rest and eat. I will probably go to the gym and just go through some range of motion with no more than 135 on the bar to keep mobile and in the mindset.

A quick overview of what I have added to my lifts since February and 5 cycles of the 5/3/1 program;
These are gym lifts - I will of course update after Dauphin with official contest lifts.

Squat - went from 405 to 475 (70lb increase)
Bench - went from 345 to 370 paused (25lb increase)
Deadlift - went from 475 to 535 (60lb increase)

I am very happy with those numbers. I also went from 215 to about 223lbs. I am going to continue on the 5/3/1 program after the meet, as I am still seeing good gains from it. There is also a meet in Winnipeg in August that I will continue to train for.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cycle 5 Week 3 Bench

Last bench workout until Dauphin next Saturday.

BarX30, 135X15, 225X8, 275X3.

Planned opening attempt - 340X1. (155kg) With belt, chalk, wrist wraps and commands. Went really easy, should be an easy opener.


That was it. Feeling good, no elbow pain or anything else. Final workout until June 14 in Dauphin tomorrow with squats. I will work up to my opener.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cycle 5 Week 3 BB Day

Preacher EZ Curl - 85X10, X8,
Standing EZ Curl - 85X10X2
Seated DB Curl - 40X10X3
Hammer Curl - 50X10X3
Narrow Lat Pulldown - 185X10, 135X12X2
Hanging Knee Raises 3 sets of 20.

Last bench tomorrow

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cycle 5 Week 3 Deadlifts

Last deadlift workout until the meet. Did last set first just to work up to my opening lift.

135X12, 225X8, 315X5

445X1 (opener).

TB Shrugs - 225X10X3
Upright Cable Row - 140X12X3.

Went for a moderate 3k bike ride after. Wow my conditioning sucks. After the meet I will put more emphasis on conditioning.

445 feels like a good opener, just a smooth quick lift. I could always back off a bit if I'm drained from squats and bench at the meet (deadlifts are last lift).
Maybe BB workout out tomorrow, well see.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Cycle 5 Week 3 Bench Assist

The start of my final training week until the meet. Trained at 1030am. I ate like a beast this morning (and most of the weekend). Pre workout meal - 6 scrambled eggs, half a plate full of mashed potatoes and two pieces of rye toast yyeeeah! Oh and a black timmies with espresso….lol

I had a really good warmup targeting my elbows, last week the tendonitis started flaring up again. I also skipped pin presses because they are hard on my elbows.

Seated BB OHP - 155X10, X9, X8.
CGBP (all paused)  - 245X6, X6, X5, X6.
Skullcrushers - 105X9, X8, X8.
Tricep pressdown - 140X20X3
DB Front raise - 30X10, X8, X8.
DB Flyes - 30X10X3.

Again, pretty much destroyed my shoulders and tri's.

Deads tomorrow, won't be going to heavy, I am tapering off the deadlift until the meet. Some speed pulls, maybe rack pulls. Sitting at about 222 lbs right now which is right about where I want to be give or take 2-3 lbs (mostly give lol).